Easy Sunday!

Sit back and relax as little-known moron, Jacob Doherty, just keeps loudly talking about nothing at all in particular! Described as "self-indulgent" by his girlfriend, this cast is sure to help you ease into a wholesome day of relaxation.

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Episode 19: Boobs Online!

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

What more can I say that the title already hasn't already? Welcome to the internet, where every single hollowed out space will be filled with half-naked women! That's what you wanted, isn't it? Of course it is! Now shut your filthy pie-hole and enjoy. 

Episode 18: Feral Dads

Saturday May 15, 2021

Saturday May 15, 2021

Having a good laugh at that young dad across the street who is mowing the lawn in his old navy cargo shorts? Well yuck it up while you can, because once calamity strikes that man will become your worst nightmare. Mark my words.

Thursday May 06, 2021

Just a little bonus for all my devote fans who follow my bi-yearly podcast. I'm not even sure what day of the week it is right now, but I am dealing with a lot of over ripe avocados at the moment. 

Sunday May 02, 2021

It's been a year, alright? I ranted a bit in the last episode. This one? Nothing but wholesome content. However, I got a real problem with how hard it is to get a coffee in this town and I'm going to tell you about it! Don't like it? Too bad, I ain't no Joe Rogan.

Monday Apr 26, 2021

They say the mighty Phoenix can rise from it's ashes... I cannot. I am more like an infestation of rats that is impossible to eradicate. BASK IN MY RETURN! DO IT!

Tuesday May 05, 2020

What the hell have I been up to? Well I've been eating a lot of soup for one. Making a lot of soup, thinking about soup a lot. Not only do I think I can revolutionize the fad diet world with my all pea-soup diet, I think I can also capitalize on a new unit of measure... for soup. Now before you beat yourself up with the "Why didn't I think of it first?", we allll knew it had to be done. I was just the first to pull the trigger.
Twitter: @Snake_Doherty

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

In these times of social distancing, there has been a sudden influx of people set out to achieve social media fame. Like the 49'ers of the gold rush however, most will achieve nothing more than being another body clogging up one particular place. All looking for the same thing, doing the same, at the same time. So I implore you, please... stop saying "Coronavirus" like Cardi B.

Sunday Mar 15, 2020

God damn am I feeling peppy! I stood in line for over 45 minutes yesterday to purchase one bulb of garlic! All this "Coronavirus" pandemonium has whipped me into an awfully good mood, stay sanitary everybody.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020

After the Terri Schiavo mishap of last week's episode, I decided I needed to become more cultured. Expand my horizon's a bit. So I invite you to enjoy this very refined, eclectic, new brand of the Easy Podcast. It's like NPR, but with swear-words! 

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